About me

For me, Calling In The One (CITO) is not just about calling in your beloved and stepping in to a lifetime of love and light, it’s about calling in YOURSELF.

Two years ago aged 54 my life fell apart. I lost my life savings, my marriage, my family home, my husband and then, to top it all, my beloved sister died unexpectedly and out of the blue. I was absolutely bereft and shattered, a dead woman walking.

Then, one day, I found Katherine Woodward Thomas and Calling In The One and, somehow, magic happened. Through this work I found me, a stronger me with a full and vibrant life. Now I feel vibrant every single day and open to love and I’m so excited knowing not only that my beloved is out there but that can I be the best me in this future relationship. This knowledge lights me up.

And now I want to do this for you – those who are lost and alone, those who are partnered up but want to uplevel their loving relationship, those who desperately want to call in their one and step in to being the person you were put on this planet to be.

As an accredited therapist, coach and CITO coach, I see individuals and couples in my private practice and for each and every one of them, going through the CITO process is absolutely transformational.

Imagine a life in which every morning not only are you with theperson you love but that person is actually YOU. Imagine a world in which you are the best person you can possibly be to yourself, to your future partner or your current partner, your friends, your family, your work colleagues and even the universe. Imagine feeling joy, spreading joy, investing in joy, wholeness and deep love in every
area of your life.

This is what I am offering you with my therapeutic coaching. I will support you. I will help you. I might even challenge you but most of all I will be with you every step of the way on this magical blessed journey together. My aims are for you to come through the CITO program with me and emerge on the other side with a fundamentally different approach to life, a deep wisdom about yourself and how you want to be in life and with other people.

I am Lucy Cavendish – therapeutic coach, writer, author, broadcaster and podcaster. I am a level 4 advanced Integrative psychotherapist and an Imago couples therapist in training. I am also seen regularly in the British media – The Times, The Telegraph, The Daily Mail and I am regularly on television and radio. I also host a podcast Later Dater available on Spotify. My new book How to Have Extraordinary Relationships With Absolutely Everybody will be published by Quadrille Press in Spring 2024.

I see people in person and also worldwide via Zoom and I am a single parent to four nearly-grown children and two orphaned nephews.