Lucy Cavendish Love Coach

Whether you are in a couple or looking for love, I am here to help you enhance your relationships in every aspect of your life. I truly believe there is somebody out there for everybody so you might be looking for love or to fully embrace your present loving relationship, love coaching is the way forward to a life and love fulfilment

Ready for a radically different love story?
Calling in The One is for you if:

Calling in The One is about supporting you in finding your way to that future and leaving destructive patterns behind once and for all.

You’re done settling for crumbs. You long to be met in a relationship that’s safe, happy, and whole—with a partner who builds you up and helps you realize your highest potential.

You have a deep desire for love but you’re also afraid you might never break free from the toxic patterns you were raised with (you absolutely can!)

You know that the kind of love you want isn’t going to “just happen”—and you’re willing to be an active co-creator in this process.

You’re excited about the idea that the future is not determined by your past, and that you can create an entirely different outcome through the intention you set right in this moment.

About Me

I am a trained advanced counsellor as well as an Imago couples therapist. I am a certified Calling In The One coach trained by the best selling author and therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas and I am also embarking on Conscious Uncoupling training.

I am absolutely passionate about what I do. I lead groups and offer online workshops. I work a lot with the feelings in the room but also with intentions; what are your intentions for therapy? For your relationships? For your life? What Future Self do you want to be? What are your deepest desires and longings?

I am here to help you not just find that out but fully live the life you are destined to lead through a unique combination of therapy and coaching – we heal the past but we look towards the future